Yes - come faster ...come here ..a little faster ..
And that's it for today, sir said as we all stopped at our track
Patting my back my sports sir said "Good job!" before heading to our geography mam.
I rolled my eyes cause yes! Flirting with the teacher is more important than correcting the team's mistakes.
My gaze fell on my teammates they were also panting after the session of Football practice.
Man, I swear I don't get that excited if the ball is coming towards me or not but those words - Why am I feeling horny-?
"Take a deep breath, Roy," I firmly instructed, fixing my gaze on him between my other teammates, we call each other by their surname a typical boy's habit.
he only said faster. i said
But that's the word we used there don't we -? Roy said wiggling his eyebrows with that disgusting teasing smile of his.
Do you mind throwing away that seventh-grade humour you balbasur? Neil had a bit of a frown on his face as he spoke up making his smile fade away before he could reply i said.
Ok enough for today, tomorrow I want all of you here on the field at the perfect time and come after doing warm-up and practice perfectly because the way you were playing today was worse than a seahorse playing for the first time.
I stated the annoyance in my voice clearly.
Nobody dared to argue cause they knew it and nodded.
Yes, captain..all replied wiping off their sweaty forehead.
I turned walking away with Neil as he passed down his water bottle to me i gulped it down when he said flexing his biceps.
Dude today's session was all ruined because of Jha and Bhatia
Those two never listened to what we discussed before practice
they forgot they were in a team because of them wiggling their
tail for months after sports sir like their obedient pet dog,
..he scoffed saying that as i shook my head.
Well well don't open their secrets or they will complain to sir and we have to listen to a lecture on how we should support them even though they don't want to listen to our strategy or how we are supposed to play .
i said as we crossed the hallway and took the stairs going on the second floor of the school building.
My mood was already bad this morning because i didn't get a chance to eat breakfast after my alarm decided not to ring today and my mother thought that I didn't want to go to school
And today's practice session being worse was like the cherry on top.
Well did you notice that the biceps are getting bigger don't they,
he said flexing his arms again giving him a done look i said.
OK, you gym rat Can you stop flexing we are in school and they are not that big we just started gym a few months ago.
Man ! Look who is speaking I saw Miss Monitor complimenting your arms this morning and you were blushing a tomato ..
he said raising his eyebrow
I was not blushing my face was red because I picked up the teacher's stationery supplies box that was so big and damn heavy and walked across the other section of the building with three stairs included in this heaty temperature shut it up, Neil.
I said shoving his bottle in his hands as we parted ways I ran my fingers through my hair trying to ease my headache,
I should eat something because if anyone tries to speak to me
now I was sure I am going to land a solid punch on their face.
I continued to walk towards my class when I saw her
..the not-too-short black hair tied up in a braid as she was standing in front of the class door discussing something as the
other students went away waving she smiled and i smiled seeing that because that expression was soon going to be replaced by that annoyed look of her Remembering her annoyed face -oh god
i don't know why but getting on her nerves gives a different level of joy i leaned against the wall as she turned around and I raised my eyebrow.
Oh hey there missy !discussing how to get the sample papers well
Too bad for you i already went to the Library and sadly they only had a few so i can't share it with you, i said grinning.
"Before you criticize me, take a good look at yourself. You seem all sweaty and disheveled. Did practice not go well today, dear captain?"
Maya said confidently, letting the sarcasm in her tone linger.
I chuckled..
oh no you got it but at least i can say i spent my afternoon doing something productive, unlike some people who spend their all day in the library and still can't beat me in those silly teat papers.
She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again looking me up and down with that judging look ..i knew that I hit the right point and she was getting annoyed.
Well, those are just tests we will see in upcoming exams -
Make sure to practice hard, but don't put too much pressure on yourself. because I'm absolutely certain that I'll be the one on top..
We still have two months left until the big exams, and we're gonna have a bunch of tests before that to figure out who's gonna score the highest.
So, do you want higher scores on your tests or exams? - I said, still grinning.
On both course-
No no what's wrong with your ears darling -
I am not your darling, she said folding her arms in front of her chest and her eyes narrowed.
I let out a low chuckle, my bad but i clearly said that i would be the one top so don't pressure that little head of yours.
I flickered her head and moved forward as i heard her cursing me.
I heard that -
I said that so ,you will jerk -she scowled
I strode confidently into the classroom, shaking my head with a satisfied grin on my face. Seeing the annoyance etched on her face made me fee
l even happier, and now lunch was going to be even more enjoyable.
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